New President Dan Danner is selected as the 6th NFIB president.
All timeline stories.
New President Dan Danner is selected as the 6th NFIB president.
NFIB successfully stops unions from being allowed to organize with a card-check system, instead of a secret ballot union election.
NFIB Small Business Legal Center files an influential amicus brief in Davenport v. Washington Education Association. In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a Washington State law requiring unions to obtain the consent of non-member dues payers before using their dues for political purposes.
NFIB’s political department launches the Presidential Candidate Teleforums.
NFIB’s mission statement is revised, “To promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate, and grow their businesses.”
New President Todd Stottlemyer is selected as the 5th NFIB president.
NFIB hosts the 4th National Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C., where President George W. Bush addresses NFIB members.
Bipartisan legislation to repeal the Death Tax makes it to the U.S. Senate floor.
NFIB supports Small Business Health Plans or Association Health Plans for small business owners and their employees to access more affordable health insurance.
“NFIB Road Team” is established. NFIB staff is deployed to congressional special elections in Pennsylvania and Virginia, encouraging NFIB members to vote.