“…the NFIB’s role in the demise of Clinton’s sweeping overhaul plan marks a major shift in Washington’s – and the nation’s – political culture. No longer do a handful of lobbyists for corporate titans … call the shots for conservatives on big economic issues. The era of grass-roots-oriented, small-business lobbying has emerged from the rubble of health care reform.”
NFIB Small Business Legal Center files an influential amicus brief in Davenport v. Washington Education Association. In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a Washington State law requiring unions to obtain the consent of non-member dues payers before using their dues for political purposes.
The COVID-19 pandemic and government-mandated shutdowns leave small businesses fighting to keep their doors open, and NFIB becomes even more crucial. NFIB’s research and COVID-19 survey series guides NFIB’s response in shaping the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program, a much-needed lifeline for Main Street.
NFIB is the guiding voice for policymakers in Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capitals, as small businesses across the country struggle to survive. NFIB holds its first virtual Fly-In, earns thousands of national and local media appearances, and creates a critical bi-weekly webinar for small business owners. NFIB state and federal teams lead the fight to allow small businesses to reopen and get relief from harmful mandates.